Rock, Dust and Ice: Interpreting planetary data
Please keep your microphone muted during the meeting.
To ask questions during the Pre-Recorded Talks Q&A:
Join the Slack workspace via the invitation link that was sent via email. Post questions in the appropriate day’s Slack channel: #1a-tue-recorded, #2a-wed-recorded, #3a-thu-recorded
To ask questions at other times:
Post questions in the appropriate day’s Slack channel: #1-rocks-tue, #2-ices-wed, #3-dust-thu, #4-panels-fri
How to make live comments/questions (only during moderated discussions and panel discussions):
Raise your hand in WebEx. The host will call on you to unmute and proceed.
To raise your hand in the WebEx application, hover over your name in the Participants window and raise your hand.
To raise your hand in the WebEx browser version, click on the Reaction icon in the bottom bar of the window and raise your hand.
When you are finished, remember to lower your hand.
For any technical issues, please post on the #help-workshop Slack channel or email [email protected]
Code of Conduct
This meeting is a safe, supportive environment. All people at the meeting should be treated with respect. At no time is abusive, demeaning, humiliating, or intimidating behavior acceptable; abuses of power are unacceptable. Meeting attendees should work to provide an environment that encourages the free expression and exchange of scientific ideas. They should promote equality of opportunity and fair treatment for all their colleagues, regardless of gender, race, ethnic and national origin, religion, age, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, disability, veteran status, etc. The SOC reserves the right to block access to any attendee. To report any undesirable behavior on Slack or on the live Webex event, please contact [email protected].
Please feel free to tweet about the meeting using the hashtag #rockicedust, but please refrain from sharing screenshots from presentations without the express consent of the author.